Friday, May 22, 2020

Teamwork Reflection, Questions and Answers - 790 Words

1- What role did you play in team meetings or discussions (online or face-to-face)? What ideas or. work did you contribute? Consider your verbal (vocal or written tone, etc.) and nonverbal communication (body language, facial expressions, etc). When I have to work in a team, I try to reach success with others participants in assigned activities. I do not take the role of leader or follower. I consider myself just another participator, but always thinking about doing everything right and clean. I have always had in mind that teamwork are all those actions and activities that are carried out collectively. In order for there to be an excellent group work, I think is necessary is that the actions are developed collectively. This means that to carry out group work, the existence of an entertainer or coordination is not necessary. The collective performance of an action is sufficient, within the framework of mutual interaction. I am very careful with facial expressions because I want to create a friendly and harmonious environment around me. When Ive been around other people, Ive never tried to show faces expressing inattention, anxiety, anger, mockery, and laziness. Since I want people to take my ideas seriously, I always try to use facial expressions that show positivity, motivation, happiness, and energy. When I participate in online teamwork, people may not see my facial expressions, but they can perceive my desire to make things right, and the respectful attitude that IShow MoreRelatedWho Is A Leader?892 Words   |  4 Pages Many believe that in order to be a leader one must have all the answers; however leadership is more about asking questions than it is about giving answers. The truth is that no person will ever have all the answers in every situation. It is through the process of skilled, intellectual inquiry that leaders are able to guide their teams to success. 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